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Friday, December 31, 2010

Hess Trucks

Growing up my brothers received a Hess truck from my Pop Pop.  Then when my older brother had boys of his own my parents started giving them a Hess truck, at first as a joke.  It turned into into a tradition from that.  I expressed that I wanted them for my boys as well, even though I wasn't a part of the original tradition.  These trucks are great!  The Hess gas station sells one version a year.  These trucks are well made, and just fun!  My boys go for them most of the time more than other toys. 

I'm a fan of the Hess toy trucks on Facebook and they asked if my kids would be the Fans of the week.  So, we did a few pictures around the house to send to them.  Here there are:

They are racing across the carpet.

Another race.  Koa is behind.  It looks like the race car is beating the snow truck.

Now time for the race cars to race.

This is what was posted on the Facebook page.


The Bridenbaugh Family said...

the Hess fan page is awesome! Zack loves his Hess trucks too. He really likes the plane this year.

Riquino Family said...

The Hess truck this year was really fun! It is a favorite of the kids.