The Kids

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, December 1, 2008

Fall Pictures

The kids have gotten two sets of pictures taken this fall, once in October and once in November. The family picture up in the header is also a new picture. It was just taken last week. It is not great, but Kai was losing it, so we took what we could get. Remember that I am 6 months pregnant! Some of the pictures are really loosely cropped. When we purchased the pictures, we cropped them in quite a bit.

These first three were taken in October with their Halloween pictures.

Gabi is at the point now where she loves to pose for pictures.

This sitting Kai was actually cooperating with us.

The two together.

These next three pictures were taken in November with their Christmas pictures, and the family picture. Christmas pictures will be posted soon. (as soon as I get the house decorated to show those pictures also.)

I love this outfit on Gabi. She is getting so grown up!

Kai has entered the phase of not wanting his picture taken. This was around the age that Gabi did the same thing. She had pictures taken with cell phones, etc. You name it, we tried it. Kai wanted to play with the basketball, so we figured he would get a picture with some. He had just thrown the third ball to one of us.

This picture Kai had just finished grabbing the duster stick. We cropped this picture in so you can just see their faces, and not his hands.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Professional Pictures and Trunk-or-Treat

Kiddie Kandids Halloween pictures

Gabi had to hold Kai's horse behind him. He refused to hold it for pictures. When we were all done with pictures we realized that Kai didn't have his cowboy hat on. It was left in the stroller. Oops!

Kai's expression is funny in this one.

I'm a tough cowboy, that's right!

Gabi, the pretty witch. She made a point to tell people she wasn't going to be a scary witch.

Her cute little head tilt.

Our ward had a trunk-or-treat on Halloween. Here are some pictures getting ready for it, and then one at the trunk-or-treat.

Gabi posing with a leaf.

Doesn't this look like the scariest cowboy you've ever seen! The paci just makes him a push-over!

That is better. Kai loves climbing over the wall in our front yard.

Kai just being cute.

Gabi and Kai have both been trained to sit on this rock and say "cheese". You will see it a lot in upcoming photos.
Gabi and Kai at the Trunk-or-Treat.
This is the haunted house we made this year. Auntie Em helped with it also.

Side view of the house.

Trick-or-Treat Street

Every year the convention center hosts a Trick-or-Treat street. It is a neat event that has about 40 doors close together that the kids can go and knock and get candy. The kids came out loaded with candy (some of which we used for handing out).

Gabi in the foyer taking a picture with the giant kangaroo.

Larger view of the kangaroo.

Gabi loved going door to door.

Kai liked having dad hold him the majority of the time. It is dark inside the trick or treat area.

Gabi doesn't look too thrilled in this picture. She did enjoy the glow in the dark necklaces that they handed out.

Gabi as a cute witch.

Picking Pumpkins & Chuck E Cheese

This year Nathan's parents joined us to pick out pumpkins. Afterwards, we went to Chuck E Cheese to let the kids play. They had a fun day.
Gabi picks out the first pumpkin of the trip. That was the Kai size pumpkin.

Posing near the end of the trip. Papa in the back is holding the Grandpa pumpkin.

All Kai wanted to do was pull the wagon.

More pulling the wagon...

Gabi with Grandma showing off her "Gabi" pumpkin.

Gabi and Papa. Gabi is holding the new baby's pumpkin.

Gabi was pretty good at a couple different games. She liked this one.

Pedaling to make the bike go up.

Kai was not a fan of this ride.

Gabi, on the other hand, thought it was pretty neat.

Kai did like the carousel.
Gabi and Kai showing off the family of pumpkins.

Gabi especially liked the "baby" pumpkin.

Friday, October 24, 2008

It's a.....


We were so set in wanting a girl, today was a shock for me when they said that I was having a boy. And there is no hiding it, he is definitely a boy! I am not going to post any of the ultrasound pictures. We didn't get any cute profile pictures. Just one of his heart, and two of him showing us his "boy" status. Around Christmas we will get the 3D ultrasound pictures. I will post those at that time.

So, those that voted for a boy, good job. Those that were thinking 'pink' thoughts, thanks!

The good part in all this is that Gabi will now get to stay the princess of the house. It will be nice for her. She did, however, cry and whine that she had asked for a girl. She will be a great big sister though. Having a little brother for Kai will be fun for him.

For the time being, the baby will stay in Gabi's room with her. Once Kai becomes a more sound sleeper, we will go through the whole re-painting of the bedrooms, and switch the kids up. Who knows, by then Gabi might be ready to move into the basement!

We will keep everyone posted on other updates that occur. For now, this is our big news!

Now, the hard part....

Finding a name.....

Monday, October 20, 2008

Salt Lake Children's Museum

While Grandmom was out here in August, we went to the children's museum here. If you are ever in the area, it is a fantastic center! It is called Discovery Gateway. The kids love it. I was happy to have another adult with me, as the kids seem to go in two different directions once inside. We love having Grandmom come visit us!

Off of the 4th floor on the balcony is one of the University's life flight helicopters. The kids can sit in it and play around.

Kai just stood watching this replica for some time. It was cute.

We are getting Kai ready for when he can pump our gas for us.

Gabi pretending to eat the play sandwich that she made in the supermarket.
Gabi ringing up her 'pretend' customers.

Kai in the farm area, on the horse.

Gabi loved the rock wall.

We need to get Kai a lawn mower. This is what he looks like in our house all day, except at home he has a play vacuum.

I know this picture is sideways...tilt your head to the left. :)

This is a neat area. You lift up the door and it has constant air blowing through the pipes. When the kids put balls in there, they get pulled throughout the pipe network above.

It also made Gabi's hair blow really cool when she would open it! :) Maybe we can get her a job modeling for a shampoo commercial.

This was an area that they can pick up balls on the right, and then put them through the contraption next to Gabi's head. It would lift them up to the pipe network above.