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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Picking Pumpkins & Chuck E Cheese

This year Nathan's parents joined us to pick out pumpkins. Afterwards, we went to Chuck E Cheese to let the kids play. They had a fun day.
Gabi picks out the first pumpkin of the trip. That was the Kai size pumpkin.

Posing near the end of the trip. Papa in the back is holding the Grandpa pumpkin.

All Kai wanted to do was pull the wagon.

More pulling the wagon...

Gabi with Grandma showing off her "Gabi" pumpkin.

Gabi and Papa. Gabi is holding the new baby's pumpkin.

Gabi was pretty good at a couple different games. She liked this one.

Pedaling to make the bike go up.

Kai was not a fan of this ride.

Gabi, on the other hand, thought it was pretty neat.

Kai did like the carousel.
Gabi and Kai showing off the family of pumpkins.

Gabi especially liked the "baby" pumpkin.

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