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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Gabi's Many Hairstyles

Looking at the camera recently I noticed how many different ways I fix Gabi's hair.  Sometimes it is something really quick as we run out the door to school.  Other days we have more time and the hairdoos are more elaborate.  So, here is a quick glance into Gabi's hair.   There are more that I don't have pictures of.  Guess I will have to take more pictures.  :)

We have been doing a lot of braids recently.  I was trying to give her hair a break from all the pony tail holders.

Auntie Heather fixed Gabi's hair while we were in Florida.  Heather used to fix my hair a lot growing up. 

French braid across her head like a headband.

Just another view of the same thing.

I braided the big section into three small braids and then braided them all together to make one fat braid.

A lot of the time the two sides are pulled up with bows.
I love this picture!

The curly look.  Gabi's hair curls really easy and can stay like that for days.  This was before a dance recital.

I was excited when her hair got long enough for a ponytail.

Pigtails for another dance recital.

French braid hooked together at bottom.

Simple day of hair down with a headband.

More with the sides up.

Just one side up.

Little mouse ears.

A back view of the 'ears'.

Zig-zag part french braid.

After she slept with her hair in a french braid.

To the side with a single braid coming out.

This was taken today.  More 'kinky' hair.  Growing up when I was a witch for Halloween this is how my mom would fix my hair.  Cute!

Hair in the french braid across the head, but then hooked in a side ponytail.

Ta-da!  Our tour of Gabi's hairstyles is complete.  :)

Most of the time that I ask Gabi to hold still for a picture she does some dance move.  She loves to dance!!


Shirley said...

I love the last pose, but she's gorgeous in all the pictures.

Riquino Family said...

Yeah, I think the back of her head is pretty gorgeous myself. :)

The Bridenbaugh Family said...

I am so jealous! Gabi has awesome, beautiful, thick hair. I sure hope Ashley's improves in the next year (or two).

I really like the different things you are doing with her hair - so cute!!!!!!!