The Kids

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, May 14, 2010

Celebrating Kai's Birthday

Kai had a very fun and full birthday.  He got a present in the morning, then we went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch and then to the Aquarium.

The kids finally got a Sit & Spin.  I conventiently put it together without batteries, which means no annoying music!!

Kai testing out the new toy.  Notice the one glove...I guess Michael Jackson is his idol.  Actually, this was taken while he was acting out a Backyardigans episode.   :)

This is Gabi coming down the slide at Chick-Fil-A.   This is one playground that they don't get lost in!  :)

Kai's turn to come down the slide.

Next, we headed to the aquarium.  I love this picture. You can see their reflections in the glass.

Testing out the new frog.

The aquarium has a cute boat replica. 

Gabi's turn to talk!

This globe makes me so dizzy!  The kids love it.  It lets them see into a big tank with jellyfish in it.

Yes, I ticked off the octopus!  It wasn't until I was done taking pictures that Nathan pointed to a sign that said no flash photography on the octopus...come to find out he DOES NOT LIKE IT!  He stretched out so far and just kept going up and down the tank pretty quick.  Usually he is curled up pretty small.  Oops!  At least everyone got to see him pretty active.   :)

Kai hugging the fish tank.  This made me laugh.  I guess he wanted to thank them for celebrating his birthday with him. 

I still can't believe my little boy is so grown up already.  He is a fun and silly little boy, and boy does he love being tickled! We love him!  Happy birthday Kai!


Melissa said...

He is adorable! Looks like a great day.

The Rothas Family said...

What a fun day! I'm glad the kids didn't get lost at Chick-fil-a! ;)