Gabi LOVES to dance! There is not a day that she isn't dancing around the house, coming up with new dance moves. Since she was tiny, she has always had great rhythm. We have tried three different dance studios. The first was just the community classes at the high school, which was a little bit too low-key. The next was a high end studio, which was too pushy and wanted the girls dancing 2-3 nights a week. Now we are at the community rec center and this is a great fit. Right in the middle! She loves it!
One of Gabi's good friends, Maddy.
Last Christmas Gabi's Grandma made her this awesome tutu. She loves wearing it!
I know this isn't a dance picture. I just wanted to show what a great job Gabi did on her Easter project for school. They were given the cut out of the egg and told to decorate it. Gabi had a friend over and they painted their eggs. I brought up all the supplies, and she went for it. She even made a pattern with the flowers. Gabi did this all by herself except for her name on the bottom. She even put the glue on and then dumped the glitter. I think she did a great job!
Beautiful egg, Gabi!!!
Awww - little girl dance pics with pink tutus? That makes my bones ache for a girl! Gabi has gotten so big and she's a doll.
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