The Kids

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Random Pictures - Mid February

Here are a few random pictures from around the middle of February.  :)

Koa was getting too tall and could reach almost everything on the kids' computer table.  

For about a year Kai went through a stage where he didn't like his picture taken.  Now we just have to show him the picture on the camera after and he is all game for pictures!  :)

Koa loves Kai.  It isn't very often that Kai lets Koa lay on him or even touch him.  So, when he does, I definitely pull out the camera!

One day at Gabi's school a nurse came to visit and brought the kids some gloves, a mask, etc.  So, what did we do?  We made the gloves into balloons for the kids.  They had fun with them.

For a kid that does not like to get messy, Kai loves to paint.

Gabi testing out her new paints.

One LAZY baby!  :)

This was crazy socks and shoes day at Gabi's school.  No, I normally would not put her in crazy tights and non-matching shoes.  This was a fun week at school.

Next, crazy hair day.  I put pipe cleaners in her hair and braided around them, so that I could bend her braids around where I wanted them.  Look how long her hair was!!

A front shot of the crazy hair.

This was St. Patrick's Day for Gabi's class.  Kai celebrated St. Patrick's Day the day before, that is why he isn't wearing his outfit.

1 comment:

The Rothas Family said...

My two favorite pictures:
1. Koa laying in Kai's lap. Kai has such a sweet smile.

2. Koa downing his bottle while relaxing in his chair. Haha, so adorable.

Your kids are sure cute!