We gad a great holiday season this year. I can't believe that it is already the end of 2010. It seems like yesterday that we were bringing Koa home from the hospital, and in about 7 week he will turn 2 years old. I will attempt to be better at updating the blog than I have been the last 6 months. I got a full time job with WGU in July of this year, and don't have much "me time" these days. :)
Happy Holidays!!
The kids opening their ornaments on Christmas Eve. Kai got Batman, Gabi a ballerina barbie, Koa a See N' Say. We love this tradition. They also opened new pjs. |
Kai and his super hero pjs. |
Koa with his ornament and grinch pjs. |
Gabi with her ornament and her new pj robe. For some reason she keeps calling it her 'wardrobe.' When corrected, she can't say "robe" correctly and keeps calling it a 'rob.' :)
Nathan and I were up until about 1:00 am wrapping presents and getting the house ready for the kids. This was the end product. |
Before we went to bed we put a gate up the hallway so the kids wouldn't get to the tree while we were still sleeping. We actually ended up waking up an hour before them and were showered before they even woke up. Here they are ready to see what Santa left for them. |
This just made me laugh. As soon as we came out, Koa ran up and grabbed presents and was trying to keep them away from the other two kids. He did this while laughing the whole time. He is such a stinker! |
What's Christmas without getting the Hess truck? I think Dad loves this tradition as much as the boys. They sure do love these toys!! |
Kai showing off his Batman laptop from Grandmom. These days everything has to be Batman. Most days include Batman undies, a shirt, and playing Batman. He has held on to this interest longer than any other. |
Here you can see Koa SO excited to see his new airplane toy. |
Gabi got a pair of skates. She is so excited! Her and Kai were rolling around the family room later in the afternoon. |
Kai showing off some of his new Batman toys. |
Koa zooming his Hess fighter jet through the air. |
Gabi's number one wish to Santa this year was the Princess Aurora doll. |
The kids with their stockings.
Koa opening up a book from his stocking. He is making a funny face because just before this he found a big piece of chocolate in his stocking and put the whole thing in his mouth. Funny kid!
Kai checking out his Pez dispenser this year. Of course, it is Batman! :) |
Each of the kids got a harmonica in their stocking. They are each a different color so we know them apart. Koa wasn't quite sure how to use it. Maybe he thought it was another chocolate bar!?
We got Gabi a jewelry box for Christmas. In it we put a necklace and a couple sets of earrings. She is turning into quite the girly girl! She got her ears pierced for her birthday in May, and didn't change them for the first time until yesterday. She was very excited! She also got a cute pair of Minnie Mouse earrings from Grandmom and Granddad. |
After we opened presents at our house, we headed up to Nathan's parents house. We loved spending time with them. Here is Gabi showing off her Easy Bake oven that Auntie Jen got her. What little girl doesn't want an Easy Bake? So fun!! |
Koa opening his Buzz Lightyear doll and pillow-book. We are slowly trying to get rid of all the dolls in his crib and replace them with 'boy' toys. Thanks Grandma and Papa! |
Kai checking out his new Batman truck from Grandma and Papa. This has turned out to be his favorite toy of the day! |
So excited!! |
Koa once again shoving chocolate in his mouth! In their stockings the kids got these chocolate eggs filled with prizes. Papa used to get them as a kid in Brazil, so they thought it would be neat to get them for the kids. Koa will eat anything! |
Koa trying to carry around the 72 hour kit that Grandma and Papa received for Christmas. |
Gabi playing Kai's new Leapster Explorer. Hey, it kept her busy and quiet! |
Oh, and Gabi's DSi kept the adults pretty entertained too! They were all taking turns playing the Brain Age game. I'm not sure if Michael ever got a turn, so I think that Emily won. She had the youngest brain age. Go Auntie Em! (I won't tell you what my brain age is!) |
I love this picture. Not sure what they are discussing, but it seems pretty important! |
Auntie Jen is known for introducing new foods to my kids. She got Gabi to love pickles and olives as a little kid. Now it is Koa's turn. What is she giving him? Pop Rocks! Haha!! |
By this time Kai just wanted to go home. He was telling us every minute that we needed to go home to play with his Batman castle. He was worried that because it was getting dark that meant bedtime, which meant he wouldn't have time to play. So, here is grumpy Kai. Michael is his favorite, so he is trying to cheer him up! |
After Kai moved on, Koa wanted a turn with Michael. The kids love their Aunties and Uncles! |
Family Christmas Picture 2010 |
Daddy and Koa |
This is what I found when I came in to check on the kids before going to bed...
Gabi had made a nice little bed for her new Aurora doll, and even tucked her in. So cute! (Rachel, that's the blanket that you made for Gabi as a baby.)
Kai sleeps like me, with his hands above his head. He was content with his Batman PJs and his new Batman blanket that Grandmom made for him. Thank you Grandmom! He loves it! |
Koa was just content in his crib. He inherited Kai's old cars blanket since Grandmom made the Batman one for Kai. That means no more pink blanket for Koa!! :) |
Grandmom and Granddad will be here in a few days to celebrate New Years with us. We are looking forward to seeing them and spending time with them!!
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