We had a family birthday party for Kai's second birthday. It was great to be able to spend time with family members.

Kai loves balloons! They have been bopping them around the house non-stop since we brought them home.

We had wanted to have a pirate themed party because Kai is always going "Argh" at people. They just don't make little boy pirate things. So, we went with another passion of his...trains. Here Kai is going "Ooh Ooh, all aboard."

Uncle Michael was nice and helped Kai open his presents.

Kai opened these puzzles and then decided he didn't want them. He was trying to rewrap them in this picture. Gabi has been playing with the puzzle for hours each day since the party!

Auntie Rachel and baby Brayden....who isn't going to be a baby for long. He turns 1 in just a month!

Kai got a remote control car. He was not happy that it would not do what he wanted it to do. There was a point during the party that he screamed and cried for probably 30 minutes. Very embarrassing when you have everyone over at your house! He finally calmed down in time to have cake.

Kai's Thomas the Train cake.

Thomas balloon.

Pirate balloon. We always get our kids balloons for their birthday.

Gabi got a new drawing board that she can practice writing her letters. She has gotten very good. She can write pretty much anything you tell her to. You just need to tell her how to spell it and she can form the letters herself. She will be very ready for kindergarten in another year and a half!

Uncle Jason and Brayden.

After singing Happy Birthday Kai started grabbing things off the cake.

Brayden showing off the conductor party hats.

Kai loves his Uncle Michael, will always go right to him....which is rare for Kai. He is very particular about the people he likes. Michael is so good to play with him! Funny thing is, Kai looks A LOT like Michael at his age.

Uncle Jeb and Kai being pirates. Kai almost looks more like a Cyclops. :)

The morning after the party we let Kai explore his new toys again. He loves his Little People's car track.

Nathan made everyone fajitas for dinner. This is just a picture of the aftermath. I think we dirtied every pot and pan in the house. It took three loads in the dishwasher to clean up! We loves his fajitas, so it is worth it! I will clean up anytime he wants to make them!

Kai "Choo Choo-ing" the following morning.

Kai was so overwhelmed the night of the party that he didn't pay attention to the small things, like the cards, clothes, etc. The following morning he discovered the card that his Papa picked out for him. It is of little kittens meowing Happy Birthday. He listened to it over and over for a LONG TIME! Check out the video below to see how excited he was. He just stood there opening and closing it over and over. Papa picks out the best song cards!
Singing Happy Birthday and Kai blowing out his candle.
This is Kai enjoying the card that his Papa gave him.
Hi Kristen! This is Nicole Worner (now Carmenates) from high school. I came across your blog and wanted to say "hi". You have such a beautiful family!
Hi!! I found you on Melody (Harrison's) blog! How are you??
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