The Kids

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Kai turns 2!

Kai turned 2 this week. We can't believe that our little boy is growing up so fast! Nathan had the day off of work for Kai's birthday, so in the afternoon we went to the local aquarium. It is VERY tiny and low-key, but great for the kids. We have passes. You can get through the whole thing in 20 minutes. Here are a few pictures.

Gabi on the boat.

Kai likes looking at the murky water over the side of the dock.

I'm not sure what kindof fish this is. It was just sitting perched up on the rock. It is in the same tank as the jumbo stingrays, and sharks.

A shark swimming by.

Kai looking at little fish in the display tank.

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