Well, to say the least, our Valentine's weekend has been very busy! Friday I went for a routine blood pressure check at my OB's office, and found that my blood pressure was 148/112 and was sent immediately up to the hospital. My in-laws met me to take the kids, and Nathan met me to go inside. About an hour later they told us that I was being admitted for inducing. We were not planning on being induced until 3/11, so were a little shocked. Things started slowly. They started me on Pitocin, and Magnesium sulfate for my blood pressure. By 2 in the morning I was still only dilated a few cm, and was throwing up a bunch. At 2:30 our little guy's heart rate went down to 60 bpm, and they rushed (ran) down to the operating room. They prepped me fast for a C-section. Just as they were about to do the c-section, his heart rate went back up to 150 bpm. Little stinker! So, my doctor decided to wait to see what he would do. Then, because of the drugs I had been given, my blood pressure went down to 74/36. They had to stop the pitocin and give me other medicine to stop my contractions to try to stabilize me. They let me sleep for about 6 hours. I had to say that I was very out of it. I don't remember much of anything happening. In the morning they started my Pitocin back up again very slowly. By 10 am, I was dilated to a 4. By 10:40, I was a 7, and by 11:00 I was a 10. I was telling the nurse I was going to push...I don't think she believed me! Kekoa was born at 11:10 am, just as my doctor walked in the door.
We are very excited that Kekoa is a healthy little boy. He was born on Valentine's Day. He weighed 5 lbs, 12 oz (later 5 lbs 13 oz in the nursery), and was 19.5 inches long. He is a very content little boy. We have only really heart him cry when he was born, and right after. We are excited for you to meet the new member of our family. Kekoa is pronounced (Kay-Ko-Ah). It is Hawaiian. It means brave, strong warrior. We thought it was fitting. We will call him Koa for short.
This was taken right after Koa was born. There was a team of doctors waiting for him. He did very good.

We found out that Koa is a thumb and finger sucker. This was minutes after delivering. His eyes are still puffy.

This is Koa's first bath. He was very content and didn't cry. Hopefully this will continue for baths at home.
Congratulations! Sounds like an ordeal, but well worth it all when you end up with something so precious. Kekoa is an awesome name - enjoy those newborn moments that fly by so fast!
Congrats, you guys. He is precious. I'm so glad Kristen and Koa are both okay. He looks so healthy and pink! :) I especially love the pictures of Gabi being such a cute big sister. Adorable. This post brought tears to my eyes. It's amazing how every little addition to the family is such a miracle. Thanks so much for sharing. xo
That is so cute.
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