The Kids

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 1, 2011

End of November 2010

Kai with his turkey hat he made for Thanksgiving.

Koa saw Kai with the pumpkins and wanted to take a picture too.

One of the first major storms of this year.  We got quite a bit of snow!

I love this picture!  So beautiful!

Kai loves to say over and over "Snow."  He sat on this table in the front window for some time just watching the snow.

Then all three kids came over to watch dad snow blow. 

Later in the afternoon Kai wanted to go out and play in the first real snow storm.  He quickly found out that he can't ride a bike in the snow.

He also found out you can't  bounce a ball.

So Gabi and Kai went for a hike.  They grabbed the pole to the sand table umbrella and used it as a walking stick. 

Not long after that first snow storm we got hit again.  This one was a major storm!  We had about 18 inches. 

There was so much snow that it was half way up this car in my court. 

This cracks me up.  For some time we were hearing and seeing tons of birds around our house and on our roof.  Now I know why! 
The birds are stealing the dog's food that lives behind us, and then they come and sit in our front tree to rest.  They are quite the spoiled birds.

Fat little birdies!

The view out the boys' window of some of the birds.

The birds sitting on the ledge.  They take turns swooping down and taking a piece of food.  I wonder if the owners think the dog is eating all this food?

Just a random picture of Koa.  If you look closely this is the stage where Koa wanted to wear 2-3 pacis on his clothes.  Luckily we have been able to take away his pacis during the day and he only has them at night.

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