The Kids

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, December 31, 2010

Hess Trucks

Growing up my brothers received a Hess truck from my Pop Pop.  Then when my older brother had boys of his own my parents started giving them a Hess truck, at first as a joke.  It turned into into a tradition from that.  I expressed that I wanted them for my boys as well, even though I wasn't a part of the original tradition.  These trucks are great!  The Hess gas station sells one version a year.  These trucks are well made, and just fun!  My boys go for them most of the time more than other toys. 

I'm a fan of the Hess toy trucks on Facebook and they asked if my kids would be the Fans of the week.  So, we did a few pictures around the house to send to them.  Here there are:

They are racing across the carpet.

Another race.  Koa is behind.  It looks like the race car is beating the snow truck.

Now time for the race cars to race.

This is what was posted on the Facebook page.

Orlando Vacation - October 2010

In the middle of October the kids and I were able to go back to Orlando to visit with Grandmom, Heather's family and Erin's family.  Unfortunately, on the way there I realized I had forgotten my camera on the kitchen counter.  So, mom and Heather took pictures while I was there.  But, until I get copies of the pictures I won't be able to post anything.

Hint:  If you are reading this mom and Heather send me a CD with the pictures on it.  :) 

Sunday dress - End of October 2010

Every few months I like to get pictures of the kids in their church clothes.  Here are a few recent pictures.

This is so much a Koa picture.  Most of his pictures have his mouth open.  Love it!!

Halloween 2010

Kai is in the stage right now where everyday he has to be something Batman.  So, for Halloween we thought we would run with that idea and have all the kids be something Batman.  Gabi was Batgirl, Kai was Batman, and Koa was Robin.  We let Gabi choose what she wanted to be for her school party.  She wanted to be a princess.  So that is why she has two different costumes.

One of Kai's homework assignments was to take a pumpkin and disguise it as something.  Of couse he chose Batman.  He colored the pumpkin by himself and then I traced his mask and we made a mask for Batman.  He carried this thing around for quite a while.  He loved his Batman pumpkin!!

Koa wanted to take a picture with Kai too. 

Then since Kai was getting his picture taken doing school work, Gabi wanted me to take her picture showing that she was doing her homework.  Funny girl!

Time to go to the pumpkin patch again.  I couldn't get all the kids to look at me at the same time. 

Mommy and kids.

This was taken at Gabi's school party.  Kai missed his school party when we were in Florida.

I helped out at the party and ran the game.  I did a relay race.  Here are a few of the kids doing the activities.  They were cute kids.

Gabi as a royal princess.

The princess with her protector, Batman.

Kai posing with the pumpkins that we picked out at the patch.  We didn't get around to carving or decorating them this year.

This was on Halloween night before the ward Trunk-or-Treat.  All the kids in their super hero costumes.

Show me your muscles!

More super hero moves!

Koa was just squaking at mom.

It was not the best night for Trick-or-Treating.  It was raining.  But the kids enjoyed being able to walk around with their umbrellas.

The cuties at their first door.  I only had them go to about 5 doors.  They had plenty of candy from the Trunk-or-Treat and it was cold!

I have a few other pictures from the Trunk-or-Treat that night, but they are on my other laptop.  I had forgotten my camera, so my father in law was nice and took pictures for me.  I'll add those soon!

Here are a few pictures from the yearly gingerbread house.  I was less than thrilled with the quality of this house.  Next year I'm putting it together with a hot glue gun.  We couldn't get it to set, and then the roof broke in several places, etc.  It was quite the ordeal just to get it to the stage where the kids could decorate it.

You can see Koa in the background doing his favorite thing:  Unpacking all the wet wipes.  Silly kid!

Have to taste test to make sure it is good.

Gabi testing out the candy....their favorite part!

Playing around - end of September 2010

So, funny story. 

One day while driving home from picking Gabi up from school the kids noticed that a leaf bug was attached to their window.  It stayed on their window the entire way home.  When we got home I left them in the car and quickly ran inside and got a tupperware container and some saran wrap.  I caught the bug for them, and they got a pet!  :)

Gabi did name him, although I can't remember now what it's name was.  The next morning when we came out he had made the air holes bigger and had escaped.  Oh well.  :)

They were so excited to have a pet. 

These next pictures were taken on a different day.  The kids were eating snacks on the back steps.  I thought the series of pictures I caught were funny.  Enjoy.

Not sure why Koa was staring down Kai.

Everyone giving nice smiles.

I thought this was sweet.  Koa kept leaning over and giving Kai hugs.  See, they can be nice to each other. 

Zoo - September 2010

It is nice when Nathan and I are able to take a break from work and take the kids out to play.  This particular weekend we had taken the kids out to the zoo.  Enjoy a few pics!

Kai's favorite thing at the zoo?  The Train!!  He was so excited to ride it with daddy!

Koa was excited to ride the carousel.

Gabi also liked the carousel.  You can see Nathan in the background as well.

Gabi got a whole row of the train to herself.  She liked that.

Kai did not want to ride an animal that went up and down.  He wanted to ride on the peacock with dad.  He was content just looking around and watching everyone else. 

Mom and Koa on the train.  Koa looks excited for the ride!

Circus - September 2010

Every year I take the kids to the circus.  This year we met up with Jason, Rachel and Brayden.  We didn't manage to get any pictures of them there.  They sat across the arena from us.  Nathan had parent-teacher conferences that night, so I took all three kids.  That was an adventure!!

This was the sign hanging above the performers.

I always give in and get the kids a toy at the circus.  Gabi picked out a spinning toy. (She actually folded 6 loads of laundry that day to earn this toy.)

Kai picked out a motorcycle guy.  He was SO excited to see the guys ride around on motorcycles in the dome.  That was neat!

Koa didn't get to pick out a toy this time.  Maybe next year.  :)

We had seats in the very last row, where half of it was empty.  This worked out great with an 18 month old who doesn't like to sit still!  He was all over the place, plus there was an empty seat for him to sit in.  Perfect!!

The kids really liked these performers.  Those are trampolines.  It was cool what they were doing.

The closing song.  The kids had a great time.  It was a long circus this year.  It didn't start until 7:00.  The kids were very tired by the end.  We can't wait until next year!