The Kids

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Easy Bake is not so easy!

Gabi's favorite thing she got for Christmas this year she says is her Easy Bake oven that she got from her Auntie Jen.  Things have been so hectic that we haven't had a minute to pull it out and let her try it.  Last night we tried and then realized that we didn't have the light bulb needed.  So, today we went and got the light bulb we needed and tonight we were set to make sugar cookies.  The directions said to let the oven preheat for 15 minutes, bake them for 10 minutes, and then cool for 10 minutes.  This is what we ended up with.  It looks like she bakes like her momma!  :)

She still has a proud smile even though they turned out not so great!

These were supposed to be three separate cookies.  They all cooked into one.  I guess a light bulb really can cook food! 

Mom, I can't even bite into it!  Gabi ended up throwing the cookies away.  We will try the cake tomorrow.  Wish us luck!!

** If anyone has experience with an Easy Bake oven and how to get these cookies to turn out, please let us know!!  We have three more packets of cookies for Gabi to make.  **

Hanging around the house

Not too much has been happening this week.  Just getting back into the routine of school starting again and getting back to our normal routine. 

I didn't pull my camera out too much this week.  Here are just a few pictures around the house.  Yes, all the kids are in their PJs.  We have had some pretty lazy mornings around here.  :)

Gabi wanted me to take a picture of her with the necklace that she made.  She loves the beads that Grandmom gave her for Christmas.

Koa loves his baby dolls.  For Christmas he got two new boy babies.  He still goes after Gabi's dolls. 

So cute!  :)

Kai loves coloring with the dry erase boards.  He is starting to draw people, rainbows, etc. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Grandmom and Granddad visiting - New Year's Weekend

Grandmom and Granddad play lots of games with the kids when they come.

Kai found a new wrestling buddy.  Kai loves playing around!

Good buddies!

Another game!

Granddad, Kai and Koa.

Grandmom and Gabi

You can't see me!


Jason and his family came over as well.  Here is Auntie Rachel with baby Julianna asleep.  She is already 6 months old!! 

Jason helping Brayden play Curious George.

Kai loves to be tickled. 

Grandmom and Julianna

Brayden was excited to see the bike in the basement.  He liked playing the games.

Kai's turn.  He wanted to play Batman.

Gabi wanted to show her dance moves.

Spin, Brayden, Spin!!

The kids playing with their new saucer game.

Koa and Brayden playing with the kitchen.  It was funny to watch them dump things only to look for one very specific toy they wanted.  Kids will be kids!!

Our large beanbag is a big hit with the kids.  The boys decided to take a break to read some books.

Kai's joining in too!

Upstairs Gabi is showing how her new journal works.  It has a password that makes the door open only when you say it correctly.  Unfortunately, it is very picky and you have to say it JUST RIGHT!!  We have reset it many times!  :)

Julianna's awake!

Look at that, she already has a purse!

Thanks for coming out and visiting mom and dad. It is always good to see you!

Thanksgiving Point Dinosaur Museum - December 2010

While mom and dad were visiting we braved the cold and went out to the Museum of Ancient Life down at Thanksgiving Point.  I had been there years ago with students, but never with my own kids.  The kids had a lot of fun, but definitely have attention spans of little kids.  They had fun looking at the displays though.  Here are some pictures from our trip.

The kids in front of the dinosaurs in the lobby.

The kids could see someone actually working on uncovering one of the fossils.  Pretty neat!

Gabi checking out an exhibit.

Granddad, Gabi and Koa
This was a big fossil of a whole bunch of little fish. Pretty cool!

I think Koa was more thrilled with his reflection than what was actually in the case.

Grandmom looking at an exhibit with the kids.

Gabi and Kai with a big dinosaur.

Koa doing the sorting game.

We go all the way to a museum and the kids find the computers.  :)

The sand table was a big hit with the kids.


This was my favorite.  A large sea turtle.  How cool is that!?

Wouldn't want to meet this in the ocean! 

Kai "reading" the sign to us.  He would run his finger across and was making up what the sign said.  Very cute!

The large mammoth with Kai and Koa.